As the concert drew nearer, teachers worked very hard to complete the final touches to the costumes that were made by parents and to add other things to go with the costumes. Here's the scenes taken from the school to the 'Dewan Suarah' where the concert was held.
The entrance to the hall. An arch infront of the door decorated with flowers and a bird's cage ~ to get the garden mood.
Our stage manager, Ms Elyzer and assistant, Ms Elsie. Ms Elyzer is a parent and her son, Saiful is in Junior 2.
Ms Faezah was our DJ and technical operator.
Ms Rajiah putting the sequins to the flower. Ms Shafinaz decorating the wings of the butterfly.
Ms Ruffini putting the final touches to the 'flower'.
Ms Hidayah with her flower costume. Ms Rafeah painting her "ant nest' for the short play. It was a big nest.
Ms Julia and Ms Fasha putting the final touches on the costumes.
Our deepest appreciation to all our parents and teachers who have put in a lot of work into making the costumes and decorating the hall. Thank you and may Allah SWT reward you with the best of all rewards. Jazakillah khair.
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