19 November 2010
It was a public holiday on Wednesday, 17 November 2010 for the Eidil ul-Adha celebration. We celebrated Eid Adha in a small scale in school as many of the children have gone off for the year end school holidays. We made greeting cards and learned about Eid Adha a week before ~ the dates and month in the Muslim calendar, the meaning of scarifice, the animals allowed for sacrifice, the story of Prophet Ibrahim and his son, the haj and so forth. We said out the Takbir every morning before we started class and before the children went home from Thursday to Friday.
Thank you very much to our parents who have generously gave some food to share with the children and teachers. May Allah SWT reward you with more rezeki and goodness. Jazakallah and Jazakillah khair!
The Junior 1 and Junior 2 girls saying out the takbir with the teachers. The Junior 1, 2, 3 boys and Junior 3 girls saying out the takbir together with the teachers.
After the takbir, Ms Faezah explained how the solat sunat Eid ul-adha was performed. Ms Faezah and Granny Hjh. Fatimah guiding the children in the solat sunat Eid ul-Adha.
The children performing the solat.
The girls learning to perform the solat with the teachers' guidance.
Recitation of doa after solat.
The 'feast' of Eid ul-adha. Here are some of the Junior 3 boys and the class teachers.
Some of the Junior 3 girls and their teachers.
Junior 2 class enjoying their food.
Junior 2 class.
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