On Wednesday 18 July 2012 , we visited the mosque Darul Ehsan which is located nearby, within a walking distance from our school. This mosque serves the Piasau locality and has a modern architecture.
Group photo of Junior 3 with Ms Ann, mosque officials - Tuan Hj. Han and Encik Azman, Ms Norleha, Ms Nur Aliyah, Ms Nur Hida, Ms Nur Syifa and Ms Farisha.
The mihrab of the mosque. The children performed Solat Sunat Tahiyyatul Masjid upon entering the mosque. Our imam was Abdul Raziq bin Osman.
Our imam, Abdul Raziq with the clip microphone given by the mosque officials. The solat was smooth and clear to all the jemaah. The best facility given to us in our visit to mosques in Miri.
After the doa recitation, the children did some hafalan of some short Surahs. Then it was time to see the architectural aspects of the mosque, names of the various parts in the mosque, facilities and things found in the mosque.After looking at the various shapes found in the mosque, counting them .... the children spent time writing down the name of the mosque.
Ms Norleha explaining the various materials used for washing and cleaning the deceased. To wash and prepare the deceased, burial of the dead is obligatory on all Muslims, fardhu Kifayah. Thank you to Tuan Hj. Han showing us the room and for assisting the teachers. The children looking at the various things that was explained by Ms Norleha.
An funny incident at the mosque ~ Khubaib put in some money for donation but when we were about to leave the mosque, he started crying. We found out that he cried because he 'LEFT' his money in the donation box and wanted it back. He stopped crying after getting back the money....... quickly replaced (or donated) by the mosque official. Thank you for saving the day!
Faces of happy children in Junior 3 ..... so pure and sweet. We pray that all the children in Junior 3 will grow up to be good children and good Muslims. Amin.