Saturday, March 31, 2012

Getting In Shape

Cognitive and Language Development Through Games

The basic shapes were square, rectangle, triangle and circle. These shapes were painted on the grass a day before. There were 3 parts of the games:
  1. The children ran to the shape when the teacher called out the specific shape eg. rectangle. Here the children tried to relate the word 'rectangle' to the recognised shape.
  2. Hunting for shapes : The different shapes were placed around the playground and the children tried to look for the shapes. Once a child has found a shape, he will show to the teacher and tell the teacher the name of the shape.
  3. Run into the same shape as found from the shape hunt - this game is part of the second game. Once the child has identified the correct name of the shape, the child will run to the same shape.

The children enjoyed the games and have no problems in recognising the different shapes.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Bengkel Keibubapaan : Cabaran Mendidik Generasi Internet

Ibubapa, guru sekolah, kaunselor sekolah dialu-alukan untuk menyertai Bengkel ini. Sila berhubung dengan Persatuan Melayu Miri 085-431394 (Raimah) untuk sebarang pertanyaan dan pendaftaran.

Generation Y and Z have grown up not knowing a world without the Internet. For them, everything is readily available at their fingertips. They have instant food, instant information and they want instant answers and success. They don't believe in downtime nor do they believe in wasting time.

These are the two generations that parents today find themselves raising. Generally, Generation Y includes those born from 1981-1994; while Generation Z includes those born from 1995 till 2009.

Parenting Generation Y and Z proves to be challenging for Baby Boomers (those born from 1946-1964) and Generation X (those born from 1965-1980) who often find themselves unable to keep up with their children.

With that in mind, parents and authors Jamilah Samian and her husband Ahmad Fakhri Hamzah have written a book called The Groovy Guide to Parenting Gen Y and Z.

Jamilah and Ahmad have six children – four Gen Y's and two Gen Z's.

To know more of Jamilah and her book 'The Groovy Guide to Parenting Gen Y and Z' - please go to the following links :

Sunday, March 25, 2012

J3 Visit To Lambir Water Treatment Plant

Our visit to LAKU Lambir Water Treatment Plant was on Saturday, 24 March. We started off from the school at 8.30 am in the chartered bus and arrived at 9.00 am. Lambir Water Treatment Plant held the Open Day in conjunction with World Water Day.
The office buildings. The treatment plants are located behind the office.
Our group photo with the staff.
The entrance lobby : - exhibition and slide show.
Away from the main office building, we went down to see Sungai Liku, one of the places where we get the water. This is the nearest water source to the plant. Looking at the water, none of the children or any one of us will drink the water from this river.
Water is also obtained from these two places : Sungai Bakong and from the bore wells.
This is the Water Pump House - the place where water is drawn from the river by pumps. The huge pipes carry the water from the river to the filter plant.
The children are feeling the vibration caused by the water being pumped up and forced through to the filter plant.
There are 4 huge pipes.
The water pump house plan - the pumps are located below and draws the water in from the river. The plan above shows the position of the pumps.
This is the Filter Plant, there are 8 tanks. Below these tanks are located the various materials where the water will pass through, to clean the water.
The children in the Filter Plant section.
This is the laboratory where the water is analysed and checked.
A very spacious area specially prepared for us. Here the children had their refreshments and later tried to finish up their drawings.
Before leaving, the children were given ice creams - a pleasant surprise for the children.
Thank you and good bye to the staff.

Our thanks and appreciation to Puan Azelina bt. Azanjani and Mr. Chai Foo Yew for showing us around and making sure that the children had a good time. Thank you too for all the goodies given to the children !

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

World Water Day

International World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.
These are the 2 banners of this event. LAKU Lambir Water Treatment Plant will be OPEN to the public on Saturday, 24 March in conjunction with this important event; and we will be going to visit the plant to learn how water is treated before its piped to our houses.

We hope that the children will appreciate how precious and important water is to all of us and the work done by people to make the water safe for us to drink and use.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

After The Semester Break 2012

First semester break is over! WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL !
School starts tomorrow and we are looking forward to see all the children. Before school closed for the holidays, the teachers had informed the children to stay at home and avoid going to places where there are many people, to keep clean and to wash their hands thoroughly before eating and after going to the toilet. This is very important in view of the current situation of HFM occurrence in Sarawak. We hope that the break will help reduce the spread of the disease.

Reminders to all our parents :
1. Please check your child's health before sending him/her to school. If your child has spots on the hands, feet and in the mouth , bring him/her immediately to see a doctor. Be alert if your child complains of pain when swallowing and does not want to eat - check the mouth.
2. Do not send your child to school if he/she has running nose, cough, stomach ache, red eyes, or any other contagious disease.

Food For Break Time
Please pack nutritious food and some fruits.

We have been working furiously to clean the school, all the toys and teaching aids last Saturday and getting everything ready before the school reopens tomorrow.
Ms Tahirah (above) and teachers of Junior 1 - Ms Sabariah, Ms Eda, Ms Farisha (below) washing and cleaning the toys/teaching aids.

Ms Ayu preparing her teaching materials while Ms Rajiah mopped the stairs with disinfectant.

Checks will be carried out on all the children every day in the classrooms, not at the gates - so as to avoid a massive traffic jam. You will be called to take your child home if he/she is not well. Remember - Please do take some time to check your child at home before sending him/her to school.
We pray that all our children will be safe from HFM.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Bekalan Makanan Untuk Waktu Rehat

Berilah perhatian kepada makanan yang dibekalkan kepada anak-anak untuk waktu rehat. Mungkin kerana cara hidup sekarang, kesuntukkan masa dan kesibukkan bekerja, kita cenderung menggambil jalan mudah untuk memberi makanan seperti mi segera, makanan yang diproses seperti nuget, sosej, bebola daging, ikan, udang; coklat, keropok, gula-gula dan lain-lain kepada anak-anak kita. Memang kanak-kanak suka makanan-makanan seperti ini tetapi adakah makanan ini baik untuk anak-anak kita?
Di Tadika, masih ramai ibubapa yang selau membekalkan mi segera, biskut manis, sosej, nugget , dan lain-lain makanan yang tidak berkhasiat untuk anak-anak. Ingatlah makanan akan menjadi darah daging : sekira memberi makanan yang baik dan berkhasiat ~ anak akan membesar sihat dan tidak mudah menghidap penyakit tetapi makanan yang tidak berkhasiat ~ anak akan menghadapi banyak masalah kesihatan apabila dewasa kelak. Makanan segera dan makanan yang diproses mengandungi pelbagai bahan kimia yang boleh menjadi racun dalam badan. Bayangkan berapa banyak 'racun' terkumpul dalam badan kanak-kanak sekiranya dimakan dari kecil hingga dewasa.
Seperti mana kita sanggup berkorban duit, masa dan tenaga untuk memberi pendidikan yang terbaik untuk anak-anak, kita harus juga menyediakan makanan yang terbaik dan berkhasiat supaya anak-anak kita membesar menjadi orang dewasa yang sihat.

Sebagai panduan untuk menyediakan makanan, rujuk kepada rajah diatas. Di dalam buku 'Totto-chan The Little Girl at the Window' oleh Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, yang diterjemahkan oleh Dorothy Britton - guru besar sekolah Totto-chan menyuruh ibubapa menyediakan makanan yang mesti mengandungi 'something from the ocean and something from the hills'.
[The headmaster had adopted the phrase to describe a balanced meal . 'Something from the ocean' meant seafood while 'something from the hills' meant food from the land - like vegetables, beef, and chicken.] petikan dari muka surat 31-32.
Ramai juga ibubapa mengatakan anak-anak tidak suka makan sayur atau makanan yang berkhasiat walau pun banyak kali diajak. Dalam hal ini, ibubapa boleh melatih dan menggalakkan anak-anak makan dari awal lagi; dan yang penting ~ ibubapa sendiri mesti menunjukkan teladan suka makan sayur dan menyediakan makanan berkhasiat di rumah. Satu cara untuk menggalakkan anak-anak makan ialah mengajak mereka bersama dalam menyediakan makanan. Dari pengalaman kami di tadika, dengan menggunakan kaedah ini, kanak-kanak bukan sahaja seronok menyediakan makanan sendiri malah lebih mudah untuk memakannya.
Cuba hidangkan makanan dalam bentuk menarik - contoh : sandwic pelbagai bentuk. Tonton program masakan bersama dan minta cadangan untuk menu makanan. Ajak anak bersama-sama menyediakan makanan. Dengan cara ini , kanak-kanak merasa bangga dengan hasil yang 'di buatnya' serta akan berminat dan teruja untuk makan!
Semasa lawatan ke Seoul tahun lepas, kami memerhatikan makanan yang dibekalkan kepada kanak kanak di sana - lihatlah foto berikut. Satu perkara yang menarik ialah semua makanan yang dibekalkan oleh kanak-kanak mesti ada bahagian buah-buahan. Dari umur yang awal ini, mereka telah digalakkan untuk makan buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran.

Kurangkan makanan segera dan 'fast food'. Jagalah kesihatan anak-anak dan berilah makanan yang baik dan berkhasiat! Diharapkan foto-foto dari Korea ini dapat memberi idea dan percayalah bahawa kanak-kanak boleh diajak makan sayur dan buah-buahan.

Peringatan : Untuk sambutan hari jadi anak, makanan segera atau 'JUNK FOOD' tidak dibenarkan untuk diberi sebagai buah tangan atau 'party pack'. Gantikan ini dengan memberi buku, alat-alat tulis, permainan berunsur pendidikan contoh 'jigsaw puzzle', atau buah-buahan. Diharapkan juga ibubapa berusaha menyediakan makanan yang berkhasiat dan bekalkan juga sedikit buah-buahan.

Sebagai rujukan tambahan, sila klik pautan berikut: Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution

Penyakit HFM - Tangan Kaki dan Mulut

Kami ingin mengingati ibubapa agar berhati-hati dan sentiasa berwaspada terhadap wabak penyakit HFM. Jangkitan berlaku akhibat kurang kebersihan diri atau terdedah kepada virus di tempat dan persekitaran yang sesak. Penyakit ini menjangkiti seseorang melalui sentuhan terus dengan orang yang telah dijangkiti : najis, air liur, lelehan dari kerongkong dan mulut mereka. Untuk mengelak jangkitan daripada terus menular, semua ahli keluarga dikehendaki mengamalkan amalan kebersihan diri.

Tanda dan Gejala Penyakit
  • Ruam dan lepuh ditangan, kaki dan kawasan punggung.
  • Ulser dalam mulut dan kerongkong.
  • Demam
  • Muntah
  • Sakit kepala
  • Hilang selera makan.

Dalam masa cuti sekolah ini, elakkan membawa anak-anak ke tempat awam yang sesak seperti pusat membeli-belah, kolam renang, pasar, pawagam, perpustakaan atau tempat makan / restaurant.

Di tadika, kami telah memesan kepada kanak-kanak agar selalu mencuci tangan selepas ke tandas, sebelum dan sesudah makan, selepas bermain dan jangan memasukkan pensel, pemadam, barang mainan ke dalam mulut. Kami juga mengajar kanak-kanak mencuci tangan dengan cara yang betul. Selain dari itu, kami sentiasa memastikan tandas, bilik, meja dan kerusi, barang-barang mainan, lantai, dan lain-lain bersih dan di 'disinfect'. Kanak-kanak yang hadir di periksa setiap hari dan sekiranya terdapat yang kurang sihat ~ kami akan minta kanak-kanak itu dibawa balik.

Untuk peringatan ibubapa ~ jangan hantar anak ke sekolah sekiranya demam, berhingus, batuk, sakit perut, cerit-birit, mata merah atau penyakit lain yang berjangkit. Sentiasa awasi kesihatan anak-anak dan jaga kebersihan mereka.

Gunakan masa cuti dengan baik - ajak anak-anak membaca, membuat kraf tangan, menonton program TV, bersama, belajar melalui website pendidikan (educational) dan membuat kerja rumah bersama.