Thursday, December 25, 2014

2015 A Letter to Parents

Dear Parents,

Salam.  May you be in the best of health and iman.

School will start on Monday, 5 January 2015.  We are sure that you are busy preparing their children foe school.  Kindergarten is where your child will receive his first formal learning.  The “first day of school” is a great milestone for your child and we understand that you and your child may have met this day with excitement or apprehension (or a little of both).

 As a team and as individuals, our first priority is your child’s education and well-being.  We will work methodically to see that each child receives the greatest benefits of our educational program, insya Allah.  

Regardless  of  the  experience  and  expertise of the teachers, research shows that the biggest and most important factor in a child’s school success is the involvement of the PARENTS in daily school experiences.  We urge you to become involved by helping your child   with  homework  and  projects,   attending  school  meetings,   parenting  talks,  volunteering  in  school  activities,    talking  with  your  child  about  his  or  her  school  experiences, and participating in your child’s education daily.  Your involvement, interest, and enthusiasm will help make this a wonderful year of growth for you and your child.

Learning must continue from school to home.  That's where parents, 'YOU'  play a major role in ensuring this continuity of learning.  Be a 'teacher' and a 'model' at home to reinforce the learning and to build the character of your child to be a good Muslim.

We make doa that all the knowledge or ‘ilmu’ given to your child will be blessed by Allah SWT and be the foundation of excellence in the character & education of your child.  Amin.

Jazakumullahu khair khathiraa

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