Ramadan Camp for the Junior 3 was held on Saturday, 12 July 2014. All the children were very excited to come to school for the camp. We had prepared several activities to explain Ramadan and things that are encouraged to do to get Allah's pleasure in Ramadan.
Recitation of the Al-Quran and memorising Surah.
Memorising Surah Al-Qadr |
Making 'Rainbow Cookies'. Adding the colour to the batter. |
Pressing the batter from the piping bag on the mould. One colour at a time. |
We made a big book on 'One Day in Ramadan'. It was a group work assisted by the teachers.
The cover. |
We put up the big book on the notice board for the parents to have a look. Solat Zuhur was performed at Masjid Darul Ehsan, Piasau.
Saying 'Thank you' to the Imam. |
The children also did a 'Qiblat Direction' craft, personalised work to bring home.
Solat Asr in school. |
Outside, the teachers were getting the place ready to receive parents for IFTAR. |
After Asr, the children were given a Ramadan Gift bag. |
Out door games to refresh minds and bodies. |
After a shower, the children did some work on the computer. |
Story-telling |
Parents waiting for iftar. |
Performing solat Magrib. |
And Isya' and Tarawih with their parents. |
May Allah accept all our work and be rewarded. Amin.
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