Sunday, June 5, 2011


Junior 3 went on an exciting discovery in the theme on 'DINOSAURS' this May. 'Dinosaurs' have always been a fascinating topic for the children and there were lots of interactive learning between the teachers and children, and with their friends. I bet the children must be talking a lot of dino stuff at home too.

The children learned the various dinosaurs, read up about dinosaurs, picked their favourite ones and drew them. In this lesson, the children did : reading, letters of the alphabet, names of different dinosaurs, hand writing skills, drawing & creativity ~ as seen in these photos (above & below).
These are stegosaurus made from scrap papers - there were lots of cutting, pasting and drawing (eyes, mouth & feet). Ms Ann exhibited them as their class mural. BAHASA MELAYU
Here, the children are learning their sukukata (reading skills) as they develop their writing skills, sentence making and facts of a dinosaur.

In BM, we introduce 'pantun' as part of our language skills lessons. There are many other learning skills arising from this excercise. In this illustration of the 'pantun' - you can see 'Pak Ali', some animals (which were drawn smaller than the dinosaur -concepts of size), and the dinosaur (big), and it's a sunny day with blue sky. The children learned writing skills, reading skills (the word 'kebun' Pak Ali is missing though), drawing & creativity, and 'pantun' appreciation. Factual writing in BM and illustrated. In the corner of the classroom, a mini "Jurrasic Park' was created. The children learned to identify and name the different dinosaurs.

A poem and illustrations - cute dinosaurs !

A group project to sort out the meat eaters and plant eaters. They learned that the teeth (see the drawings of the teeth) of the dinosaurs were different according to the food they ate. The children drew and named the dinosaurs in each group.

The children also learned that dinosaurs laid eggs. See the baby dinosaurs hatching !

The children learned that dinosaurs were discovered through fossils found. Here they used different types of pasta as the bones of the dinosaur.

Some of the books used in the class ~ factual and fiction.


Some lessons are much more fun and exciting done outdoors as we did at Taman Awam. We had a picnic and to cap it all, 'WATER PLAY' ! ~ that was a very memorable day for us. There were obviously more space, fresh air, children developed better appetite, lots of large motor skills and social skills development. Walk, Move and ROAR like a dinosaur!

Sorting - size, plant eaters, meat eaters.

Picnic Time ...........

and FUN in the pool!

Thank you to all parents who have supported our activities and made the learning experiences a success!

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