The objectives of the Ramadan activities were to educate the children the importance of the month of Ramadan, to carry out deeds or activities that are encouraged and rewarded; and for us, teachers ~ to seek Allah 's blessings and barakah as we impart knowledge and teach the children. We pray that the children will benefit from this and be good Muslims as they grow into adults. Amin.
1. VISIT TO MASJID DARUL ISTIQAMAH, LUAK , Wednesday, 17 August 2011
Masjid Darul Istiqamah, Luak
Learning to take the ablution (wuduk) for solat sunat masjid. 
Reading the doa upon entering the mosque, lead by Ms Faezah.
Performing the solat sunat upon entering the mosque. The imam is Aqil.
After solat, the children were asked to observe the different parts in the mosque : mihrab, mimbar, ladies section, dome, etc and things that are found in side. Here the children counted and recorded the number of doors.
Looking and recording things found inside the main prayer area.
These are the things we found !
To instill the value of being charitable and to donate for a good cause.
The class of Junior 3, teachers and parents.
This is our third Ramadan Camp.
Here's Ms Norleha and Ms Afiqah.
The Junior 3 who joined the camp.
Stories from the Al-Quran.
Learning to perform the solat (zuhur & asr)
Parents, children and teachers waiting for IFTAR.
Food contributed by parents for Iftar.
Solat MaghribThe children and parents also performed tarawih after Isya'.
3. Ramadan Charity JarWe launched the Charity Jar collection drive from 1st Ramadan to be donated to Tabung Anak Yatim ( Orphans Fund ), Masjid Darul Ehsan
Every day, the children would put in some money into the jar. The above photo shows Irfan handing over RM1176.00 to Tuan Hj. Talhah Mansor, Chairman of the committee of the Tabung Anak Yatim, witnessed by the other committee members, teachers and children ~ on 20 August 2011 at Masjid Darul Ehsan.
4. Hafalan of Short Surahs
To encourage the children to 'read' the Al-Quran, we increased our recitation of the short Surahs in school and at home.
Our deepest appreciation and thanks to our parents who have supported, contributed and worked with us to make these activities a success; contributed their man power to make our activities run smoothly.
Jazakallah khair
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