Ramadan Camp was organised for the 6 years old; but a number of our ex-Astana students who were already in the primary school joined in ~ well, since the last 2 camps. The objectives of the camp were to learn in depth about Ramadan and Islamic practices that are encouraged to be carried out and most of all - to learn in a FUN, ENJOYABLE and HAPPY way as we learn together. It is also to foster closer relationship between the teachers and parents. We started off with stories from the Al-Quran and to learn what are the good values. These sessions were conducted by Ms Norleha, Ms Faezah with the help of Ms Afiqah and Ms Sutina.
Hafalan Party : Every one sits in a circle. A box is filled with the titles of the short Surah that was to be memorised by the children. The box is passed around; when the music stops, the child takes out a piece of paper and will read out the Surah. If a child cannot recite the Surah, a volunteer will help. The photo shows Hakim being assisted by Awg. Abdul Rahman. It's FUN and no pressure on the children!
Ramadan Song by Zaki : Children watched the video from Youtube then discussed the meaning of Ramadan.
Learning to perform Zuhur prayers . Rest after Zuhur before we start the afternoon session.
Based on 'Ramadan Song', children in groups wrote down and illustrated the teachings. Here are some of their work.

Making a special dish for IFTAR - mini pizza : with cheese, minced beef, chopped tomatoes, mixed vegetables.
After Asr prayer, time to stretch the little legs outside - free run for every body ! 
Outside, the teachers were getting the place ready for Iftar, putting up the tables and chairs. By 6.30 pm, the tables were full of food brought in by the parents. Thank you for your generosity.
All cleaned and fresh after a shower. Now waiting for the breaking of fast ~ with their mini pizza instead of the dates. Parents helped to ready the drinks and food.
Enjoying the food !
Ustaz Azmi and Ustaz Khairul Anuar, who are both our parents - led the Magrib, Isyak and Tarawih prayers. Ustaz Azmi teaching the children a short zikir while waiting for Isyak prayers.

Teachers and parents helping to clean up place, putting chairs and tables inside the classrooms. Finally a good washing of the floor to get everything clean !
Thank you to all parents for allowing your children to join the Ramadan Camp, for your support and contribution. To all teachers ~ appreciate your hard work to make this activity meaningful and your cooperation. Jazakallah Jazakillah khair.