Registration in process.
The gifts all in order to be presented to the parents by their children. The children did their gifts and cards at home with the parent's help. There's a lot of creativity in the gifts and the family enjoyed making the gifts. Opening song by Ariff Aqlan, J3.
.... a dedication to the parents by Qarin, J3.
J2 presenting the song 'Daddy I love You' .
J3 presenting the song 'My Mom' ~ dedicated to their MUMS. It's beautifully sang by the children ~ brought tears to the mums!
All the children singing 'Mummy Daddy I love You'.
Section of J1 and Reception class.
A surprise presentation from the DADS to their wives ~ singing "For The Rest of My Life'. Listen to the song and read the lyrics.
Recitation of Doa for parents by Mutashim.
Here are some photos of parents with the gifts presented to them by their children.
The Games :
Performing the lion dance.
Acting out a script from a movie.
A version of 'So You Think You Can Dance' ~ to an Indian beat. The Indian dance performance.
Guard My Balloons!
Time to tuck in the various array of delicious food prepared by the parents.
Enjoying the food!
Astana Teachers
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