Thursday, 31st March 2011
Unfortunately, it rained the night before and the ground at the park was wet. The teachers had come prepared with plastic sheets but the ground was too wet and mushy to sit down. In the end we had our book picnic at the car park area ~ at least the ground was firm to sit on.
The teachers started off with reading the children's favourite story books from the school.
Then the children read their books that they brought along - sharing with their friends and teachers.
The following photos show the children reading with the teachers.
Buddy reading. The older children who were able to read independently sharing their books with their friends.
After the reading session, we packed up to go to the playground ~ BUT it started to rain instead. So we rushed back into the bus to return back to school. However, we discovered that it was NOT raining at the other park - Taman Selera. We decided to have the picnic there instead, although the ground was wet.

Ms Grace giving a helping hand.
Our helpful dad who came along and joined in the fun. The following photos of the children at the playground.
Now its time to go back to the school in the bus. This is also a good opportunity to teach the children to queue before boarding the bus.
After a hard day's 'play', most of the children were tired and fell asleep in the bus on the way back to the school.

We believe children should have fun, breathe fresh air, have good times with their friends, have opportunities to explore their surroundings safely, to be creative, to learn and practise social skills, to be civic minded, to be practising Muslims ~ and the children are LEARNING all these and many new things at the same time even at outings, picnics, at the play ground, etc ; things that are not found in the exercise books or work books in school !
Children will be children only ONCE in their life time - let them remember their kindergarten days that were filled with FUN, JOY and GOOD TIMES. Let them grow into life-long readers, where books will be their friends; NOT the TV or games from the mobile phones or internet.
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