Most children love cooking and baking. Most of the time the class teachers will come up with cooking projects to enhance the learning activities in a theme. But sometimes cooking classes were simply carried out because we love cooking or baking with the children. It is very rewarding to see the joy and pride in the children faces once they have completed their work. They enjoyed these activities very much and nothing can beat the taste of one's creation!
Two of the cooking projects were related to the theme 'Myself'. We had fun watching the children and some needed some help along the way. All the children were very proud of their 'master piece' and couldn't wait to show their parents what they have done. We hope that you will invite your child to join you whenever you are cooking or baking because this is a great way to learn ~ science, maths, vocabulary and to have a wonderful time with your child.
The 4 years old in Junior 1 made a 'FACE' sandwich with peanut butter, some black currants for the eyes, biscuits for the nose, red sprinkles for the mouth and chocolate rice for the hair. Of cos, some of the stuff went into the young chef's mouth ~ yummy!
Here's Hanis making her sandwich and the 'hair' is almost covering the 'eyes'. The children learnt parts of the face and where the parts should be.
Hanis's face sandwich.
Putting the 'eyes' and next the 'hair'.
Another version of the 'face' sandwich; no matter what ~ it tasted great!
Trying to figure out ~ Is the mouth here? How many sprinkles should I put? Think ! Think! Think!
The 5 years olds in Junior 2 made EGG ROLLS ! The eggs were hard-boiled then mashed up with some mayonaise, a dash of salt and pepper. The bread slices were flatten, then spread with the egg mixture and rolled-up. Viola! That's how egg rolls were done and they tasted GOOD!

The girls mashing up the eggs. Mashing up the eggs can be a very tiring work !

They flattened the bread slices with rolling pins , two at one time.

Then spread the mashed eggs on the bread slices.

And rolled the bread up!

Here's my two egg rolls. Can't wait to eat them!
Cupcakes were made by Junior 3, the 6 years old. The tops of the cup cakes were covered with white icing. Every child wanted a happy smile on the cup cakes ~ reflecting their joy in making this project. The eyes were made with 2 chocolate chips and red nose with a red sprinkle. The hairs and mouth were piped onto the cake.

Most children needed teacher's help to pipe the icing for the mouth and hairs on to the cup cake.

Piping the 'hairs' with teacher's help!

After putting the 'eyes', 'mouth', 'nose' and 'hair'.

Look! This is my 'Face Cupcake' !

This is a sample of 'Face' cupcake done by the teacher for the children to follow.
Thank you to our parents who have contributed an assortment of decorative sprinkles and other items for these projects.
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