Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Starting School 2011


School started on the 3rd January 2011 ~ an exciting day for all the children, parents and teachers. We were excited to meet our new children and to catch up with the returning children. Most of the new children settled down easily to the school routines and made friends by the end of the first week. The new younger ones required more time and the most 'harrowing part' was parting with their parents ~ there were lots of tears and hugging! Some withdraw to a corner and refused to participate in the class activities ~ but eyes were watching and following everything that went on in the class. But after a while, they soon got involved in the class activities and starting making friends.
Lessons are going into full throttle this week and the children will find that time passes so quickly ~ before you know it, it's time to go home ! The following photos show some of the scenes in these 2 weeks.

Still apprehensive about school, so insisted Mum to bring her into the class.

A very confident boy coming to school, and he's new!

Ms Batrisya welcoming a new girl.

He's really looking forward to school even though a first timer!

Mum sending in her girl.

Here's Zaid taking off his shoes before entering the class.

Here's Mutashim with his father .

Our new boy, wouldn't let go of Mum and the farewell is still very tearful affair.

Ms Intan consoling our new girl!

Still very sad after parting with mum!

Crying softly in a corner after parting with his mum, but half an hour later he's following the class activities.
Ms Ayu, Junior 1 ~ circle time with the four years olds. Almost all of them are abled to follow the class activites.

Ms Ann, Junior 3 class ~ writing down the day and dates in circle time.

Ms Rajiah, Junior 2 ~ circle time.

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