Thursday, December 30, 2010
New Year Greetings
Monday, December 20, 2010
Happy Xmas
Friday, December 17, 2010
Preparing For 2011
A parent with Ms Norleha ~ filling in the registration forms.
Ms Hidayah and Ms Nurul putting up the teaching aids.
Ms Ayu & Ms Faezah checking the names of the new children.
Ms Mas and Ms Syafinaz preparing the class to welcome the new children.
Here's Ms Syakila updating her record of the children's names in her class.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Awal Muharram Maal Hijrah

Saturday, November 27, 2010
2010 Graduates

Ya Allah, Ya Rahman, Ya Rahim, Segala puji hanya untukMu Ya Allah, selawat dan salam keatas Nabi Muhamad SAW.
Ya Allah, kami memohon restu dari Mu agar ilmu-ilmu yang di pelajari dari Tadika ini dijadikan ilmu yang bermanfaat dan diberkati. Kami memohon agar ilmu ini menjadi tunjang untuk membentuk insan yang baik dan cemerlang.
Ya Allah, berilah anak-anak graduan kami kekuatan dan keyakinan; tambahkan lagi keazaman dalam diri mereka untuk terus berusaha dan berjaya, seterusnya berjasa kepada agama, ibubapa, masyarakat dan negara.

Sunday, November 21, 2010
Happy Holidays
Eid ul-Adha In School

The Junior 1 and Junior 2 girls saying out the takbir with the teachers. The Junior 1, 2, 3 boys and Junior 3 girls saying out the takbir together with the teachers.
After the takbir, Ms Faezah explained how the solat sunat Eid ul-adha was performed. Ms Faezah and Granny Hjh. Fatimah guiding the children in the solat sunat Eid ul-Adha.
The children performing the solat.
The girls learning to perform the solat with the teachers' guidance.
Recitation of doa after solat.
The 'feast' of Eid ul-adha. Here are some of the Junior 3 boys and the class teachers.
Some of the Junior 3 girls and their teachers.
Junior 2 class enjoying their food.
Junior 2 class.