July is our Reading Month. In our Reading Month, we planned out activities that would spur and encourage the children to like books; and become life-long readers such as story-telling, re-telling stories, making small books, etc.
Speaking of making books, do you know how books are 'made' - technically? That's the main idea to bring the 6-years old to visit a printing press to find out how books are 'made' as part of our Reading Month Activity.
The logo of PNMB - the children's version. Perhaps PNMB will find these drawings an inspiration if they wish to rebrand their present logo.
Showing the process of making a poster.
These are some of the equipments or machinery that the children saw in PNMB.
No, that's not a machine. The green rectangle is a door - now, how did the rest of the class miss it?
Eyes are very important, not only for reading. Checking the eyes and eye sight at an early age helps to detect problems and is sometimes one of the reasons why children are slow to read or have behaviour problems in class. This is another of our Reading Month activity. Puan Noor Aida bt. Sapiee, an optometrist from OFTALMOLOGY Unit, Miri Hospital came to school to check eye sight and eye problems. 
For those who cannot read the letters of the alphabet, pictures of objects were used and the children were asked to match the objects. Here Puan Aida is doing a pre-run and explaining to the child to match the pictures of the objects.
Some of the children were referred to Oftamology Specialist for further examination and one or two need to wear glasses.
Parents - Please look after your child's eyes, watch your child when he or she is reading, especially in reading prints from a distance.
Another Reading Month Activity.

One other activity carried out was 'Reading Activity' at Miri Public Library for the public. The teachers read, acted out, sang and did some craft work with the children. At the end of the session, we used the children's work to brighten up the Children Section of the library ~ to be posted in the next blog!