Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Eid ul-Fitri Raya In School

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ramadan Activities
1. Izz Khalilah bt. Zamri (Junior 3)
2. Maisarah Husna bt. Dilah (Junior 2)
3. Daneea Syahmina bt. Sobryee (Junior 1)
4. Adi Nazirul b. Abdul Khalifa (Reception)
Izz Khalilah
To increase our good deeds in the month of Ramadan, we organised a competition of memorising the short Surah, doa and correct readings in solat. In teaching the children, we and our parents benefited too ~ we pray that Allah SWT accept our deeds and reward us.
Junior 3
1. Mohd. Hanif b. Abdul Azeez
2. Rifqah Rhy Hannah bt. Rohaizad
Junior 2
1. Mohd. Danish Aqil b. Azmi
2. Mohd. Arif b. Abdul Azeez
3. Nur Ain Wafiqah bt. Dzulquornain
Ya Allah , perbaikilah perangai anak-anak kami sepertimana Engkau telah memperbaiki rupa bentuk mereka dan jadikanlah anak-anak kami , anak-anak yang berilmu, beriman, bertaqwa dan yang soleh ~ dan janganlah Engkau jadikan mereka ketua kepada kami. Amin.
Monday, September 20, 2010
MCC Public Library Colouring Competition
The main stage, organising bodies and sponsers .
Astana children roaring to go!
The children from Tadika Astana and other kindergartens taking their places.
Waiting for the results,
The winners !
Monday, September 6, 2010
Eid ul-Fitri Selamat Hari Raya

Eid-ul Fitri - Eid Mubarak !
School will be closed from 4 - 19 Sept for the second semester break and Raya (Eid) holidays.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Ramadan Charity Jar
Ms Norleha and children giving the collection to Puan Syahidah at her house. Her mother is standing beside her.
Thank you for your support, encouragement and involvement in this project ~ to instill values of being charitable and to help the needy in our children; and for ourselves ~ to seek more blessings from Allah SWT in this Ramadan. We pray that our children will grow up to be good Muslims.